Oh my gosh...so powerful. More powerful than this small note conveys: positioning my body so I was not facing the evening sun directly let the light, filtered through the schefflera tree, dance on my eyelids. Somehow not distracting. Also very beautiful.

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Krystyna, wow, thank you for this small note--it made my day! i love knowing that something i put out in the world spoke to someone's heart and helped bring them toward something deeper.

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I'm SO pleased someone is doing a series on the Yamas and Niyamas! I started writing my own series ages ago because I absolutely hate the "plastic guru" scenario we have going in some areas of the yoga world where nobody even knows what the fundamentals are! It's great to see this

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Today I made this practice directly after a jog. Focusing on ahimsa, healing, in the body scan was very effective. (Then I got worried I should be focusing on a larger concept of ahimsa...then I stopped myself from worrying...I worry a lot)

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